July 2022 – Life and Dignity of the Human Person
All people are precious – at every point along the continuum of life. Understanding that each person is created as a unique expression of our Father, we believe that in serving each other, we serve Him.
Unlike our Father, however, people are imperfect. We each wrestle with mistakes of our own choosing and with of the many situations and challenges that life throws at us. Let’s pray that we will have refreshed eyes and hearts to see all people through His eyes, loving them as He does and honoring them as beautiful in His sight.
[Jesus] said to him, ‘“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.‘
Matthew 22:37-39 (NRSV)

Heavenly Father,
Sometimes, it’s difficult to love the person standing in front of us. It’s easy to think we would make better choices or handle thing differently. We know in our hearts, however, that it is only by Your grace that any of us can stand before you at all.
Remind us of your mercy, compassion and how much you have given us. Thank you that you are slow to anger and quick to forgive. Please mold our hearts to reflect yours.
Thank you for gift of allowing us to minister to your people as a sign of your love.
- Help us listen patiently to all who come to us.
- Help us meet the basic needs of those whose limited resources strained.
- Be present as we host Ukrainian and Afghan families during our summer Jessie Games.
- Guide those who need help to our doors and show us how to minister to each person with creative and tender hearts.
- Strengthen us to do all you call us to do and spark a fresh joy and excitement to do so.