praying hands

Pray with Catholic Charities

Jesus taught us to “ask, seek and knock” for all we need from our heavenly Father. At Catholic Charities, we’ve know firsthand that when we do, God responds in ways that change lives for our teams, those we serve and our supporters.

Join us as a prayer partner and help shape how we invite God into our work and serve our communities.

Our Prayer Focus

Each month, we’ll email you our prayer of focus and let you know of specific needs for our agency and those we help.

Almighty God, the author of life, We lift our hearts in prayer for all who are vulnerable and marginalized.
Almighty and ever-living God, Inspire us to embrace the spirit of solidarity and recognize our interconnectedness as members of one human family. Grant us the courage to work together for the common good, especially for those who are marginalized or in need. May our actions reflect a true love for our neighbors and a commitment to building a more just and equitable world.
Almighty God, the author of life, we lift our hearts in prayer for all who are vulnerable and marginalized.
Almighty God, source of all justice and fairness, we lift our voices in concern for the rights of workers in our world. Inspired by the teachings of your Son, Jesus Christ, who championed the dignity of labor, we come together in prayer.
Almighty ever-living God, We look toward the perfect unity of the Blessed Trinity as an example of unity for family and community to strive for. As we turn to You, renew us with confidence and compassion as we invest our hearts into Your people.
Almighty God, Father of all creation, We come before you today in humility, seeking your guidance and strength. You have formed us in your image, Lord, and bestowed upon each person the gift of life, sacred and worthy of dignity.
We acknowledge you as the rightful owner of all that exists. You have entrusted us with the care of your magnificent creation. Guide our efforts to be faithful stewards, protecting the Earth's beauty and resources for ourselves and future generations so we may please You.
We come before You, mindful of the teachings of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who calls us to love our neighbor and work for a just and compassionate world.
Labyrinths have long been used by the faithful as a means of drawing close to God. The many twists and turns represent the winding reality of our spiritual journeys and the lived experience of many of our clients’ daily lives.
Almighty and ever-living God, Empower Your one human family to join hands on our journey of faith. Send us Your spirit of hope, so that we may work to alleviate human suffering and foster charity and justice in our world.

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Submit your Prayer Request

We’d also like to pray for you.  Each week, our team offers prayers and praises.
