praying hands

Pray with Catholic Charities

Jesus taught us to “ask, seek and knock” for all we need from our heavenly Father. At Catholic Charities, we’ve know firsthand that when we do, God responds in ways that change lives for our teams, those we serve and our supporters.

Join us as a prayer partner and help shape how we invite God into our work and serve our communities.

Our Prayer Focus

Each month, we’ll email you our prayer of focus and let you know of specific needs for our agency and those we help.

We use this opportunity as a time of reflection on Scripture and prayer for our communities and neighbors.
We use this opportunity as a time of reflection on Scripture and prayer for our communities and neighbors.
We use this opportunity as a time of reflection on Scripture and prayer for our communities and neighbors. New videos every Sunday of Advent.
We use this opportunity as a time of reflection on Scripture and prayer for our communities and neighbors. New videos every Sunday of Advent.
We use this opportunity as a time of reflection on Scripture and prayer for our communities and neighbors. New videos every Sunday of Advent.
Almighty Creator, Filled with gratitude for the precious gifts You've bestowed upon us, we praise You for the fundamental rights you have granted us. We thank you for the responsibility that accompanies these rights, the responsibility to use them wisely and to respect the rights of others and to work towards a just society.
Almighty ever-living God, Increase our faith, hope and charity, and make us love what you command, so that we may merit what you promise.
Almighty God, We give your praise as our Creator, bestowing life and dignity among all people. Created in Your image and likeness, help us to respect the dignity of all people, regardless of their circumstances. Grant, we pray, that we may be moved to protect the lives and dignity of all.
Loving God, Lord of the Sabbath, Master of the Vineyard, As we seek to respond to this call of dignity and rights of workers, may our wills be aligned with Yours to promote an economy that protects human life, defends human rights, and advances the well-being of all.
We look toward the perfect unity of the Blessed Trinity as an example of unity for family and community to strive for. As we turn to You, renew us with confidence and compassion as we invest our hearts into Your people.