praying hands

Pray with Catholic Charities

Jesus taught us to “ask, seek and knock” for all we need from our heavenly Father. At Catholic Charities, we’ve know firsthand that when we do, God responds in ways that change lives for our teams, those we serve and our supporters.

Join us as a prayer partner and help shape how we invite God into our work and serve our communities.

Our Prayer Focus

Each month, we’ll email you our prayer of focus and let you know of specific needs for our agency and those we help.

Today's Reading: James 5:7-10
Today's Reading: Psalm 72
O Lord, we could never have imagined the gift of a savior presented as a newborn. Moreover, it remains hard for us to recognize the gifts you’ve abundantly poured into each of us for all of us. Forgive any willful ignorance and open the eyes of our hearts to see and know Your expression of love in every person. Help us understand the importance of community and the divine roles You have given each us as we extend the hope of Christmas year-round. Amen.
Today's Reflection: Isaiah 2:2-3
Heavenly Father, We love only because You loved us first. In this busy season, fill each of us with an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit to overflow to those around us. Help us see expressed and unexpressed need among those You bring before us.
Sovereign and gracious Father, The unthinkable not only can happen, but it so often does. We had hoped our days would be different at this point, but new confusions, difficulties and anxieties continue to emerge for so many of our neighbors and communities. We know that You, however, are not a God of confusion or fear. Instead, we praise You as the one who has given us a spirit of power, love and discipline. Help us gather our hearts and thoughts as we organize our lives to serve those You put before us. Empower us with desire and equip us with strength of mind and ability in these divine assignments. Amen.
O tender Father, So often, so often we think we understand our difficult circumstances: how we’ve ended up where we are and what it will take to move us forward. However, our own familiarity, pride and “knowledge” can keep us trapped right where we are – unprepared or unwilling simply to present our needs to You or to others. Help us remember that in Your fullness we will find all we need. As we do, show us how to magnify Your glory, pointing the way to You.
Heavenly Father, You are our perfect provision. In You there is no lack nor want. At times, we fail to see Your gracious generosity or the ways in which You call us to bless others. Remind us, Father, of Your desire that Your followers look for opportunity to benefit those who need something perhaps only we can provide. Bless us in the joy of serving You through serving Your children.
Heavenly Father, Sometimes, it’s difficult to love the person standing in front of us. It’s easy to think we would make better choices or handle thing differently. We know in our hearts, however, that it is only by Your grace that any of us can stand before you at all. Remind us of your mercy, compassion and how much you have given us. Thank you that you are slow to anger and quick to forgive. Please mold our hearts to reflect yours. Thank you for gift of allowing us to minister to your people as a sign of your love.
Heavenly Father, The world continues to rock uncertainly under our feet, and we are often confused and by the events and situations we experience and see around us. It becomes difficult to see you when we focus on the threats against us. Remind us that you are for us and with us. Enhance our vision for you. Strengthened our hearts and minds to serve you through caring for those who do not know your hope or who have become distracted by the demands of this world.